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Thursday, 14 July 2011

Guest Blogger - Nick Stratta - Midland American Auto Club

"The Midland American Auto Club were out in force over the Independence Day week end in Blanchardstown with Captain Americas promoting Captain Americas and the Midland American Automobile Club's all-American show in Kibeggan on September 11th this year.

It was great to be working with Captain Americas. They showed real interest in showcasing our cars for their July 4th weekend, their staff were great and their visitors showed genuine interest in the American vehicles we had parked outside Captain Americas. People couldn't beleive the trucks were so huge in real life.' said Eamon Fidgeon, the MAAC club secretary and organiser of the event.

'We had 3 Trans Ams - including a Smokey & the Bandit Trans Am and the KITT Knight Rider car, a military Dodge truck, a huge black Ford F250 pick up with flames down the side, some vintage red Chevrolet pickups a big rig complete with twin vertical chrome exhausts and a whale of a white Cadillac parked in around Captain Americas and Blanchardstown Shopping centre.

All these cars and truck will be on display at the only all-American show in the country on Spetember 11th in Kibeggan so come on down' said Joe Keenan president of the MAAC."


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