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Monday, 8 August 2011

Nick Stratta - Midlands American Auto club - Inviting Radio Nova to their 10th Anniversary event

"We’re addicted! Seriously addicted!!

We’re going to have upwards of 7000 people who are all your target audience in at our 10th anniversary all-American Car Truck and Bike show in Kilbeggan co Westmeath on the 11th September and you are invited.
We’ll have upwards of 500 vehicles on 20 acres over the weekend. We’ve movie cars like General Lees, Starsky & Hutch Red Tomatoes, an Eleanor Mustang, Smokey & the Bandit Trans Ams. Also some historically significant cars like ex Embassy official cars, unusual cars like a 1955  Packard Caribbean, a genuine New York bus, Dolly Parton's tour bus and some older American cars like an 1899 Alders Electric Car, 1903 Oldsmobile, a 1906 Cadillac and possibly a 1930 Cadillac V12 and a 1930 Packard Presidential amongst others which will provide an additional draw. We have more big American trucks - big rigs - than ever this year.
We'll also have pretty much all the Harleys in Ireland there, including a few customs.

We’ll have the now legendary burnout competition on the Saturday night - and this year we are planning a truck tug of war - Marty Miller would love that one! Then there is the cruise and the evening Hog Roast BBQ and drive-in movie show.

On a serious note we'll also be marking the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 World Trade Center disaster with a 1 minutes' silence."

Nick Stratta of the American Midlands Auto Club writing to Radio Nova in Dublin in promotion of their Annual Car, truck and bike show

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