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Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Thank you

Hi everyone,

Thanks for the great response to the email I sent out last week – we got some great feedback and general suggestions as a result.

There are a number of holidays coming up over the course of the next few weeks and months.

For all those intending on dressing up for Halloween parties and for those looking to buy their children their favourite costumes we would recommend these sites to shop from –

We’d also like to encourage people to look online around the Thanksgiving season in the USA and especially the day after – Black Friday. There are enormous sales in the USA on this day every year.

If you are intending on using our service to bring your Christmas items in from the US we would encourage you to make your purchases and have them delivered to our warehouse in Virginia before the 10th of December in order for us to get them to you on time.

Thanks again for the great feedback and for registering with ShopUSA Ireland.

Kind Regards,
Niall Horan,
ShopUSA Ireland

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